All in the Family:

In-home Pet Sitting for the Whole Family

Initially for many Covid-19 created a weariness about not only leaving your house, but having others inside. While this may be true still in many cases, more people are getting out and letting household help return. Count me as a member of your team! In fact, I’m more than prepared for the times, having received my Covid vaccination as a healthcare worker.

It has come to my attention that many of my clients have multi-pet households. Often pets are best suited to stay in their own environment while their humans are away. In addition, for many pets like cats, birds, small rodents and aquatic animals leaving home is either unfavorable or not an option. That is why I come to you, follow your guest/house rules and learn the ropes with a pre-stay visit.

Recently, I spent the weekend at the Thering Household in Tarrytown, a neighborhood I serve in central Austin. The Thering household is quite busy. Daniel works in law, Leigh runs several enterprises, all while 10-month old baby River learns to crawl and grows teeth. He isn’t the only sharp toothed member of the gang. Included in the mix is 3-year old spaniel mix Ludo, cats Rusty and Bung and two musk turtles named Beef and Speedy. In the backyard resides two chickens named Jolene and Barb.

It’s a full house! My in-home consultation visit prepared me to meet the needs of all involved. I enjoyed giving Ludo some extra TLC with lots of exercise, play and some very well-received bodywork. The kitties mostly kept to themselves; but I made sure they were comfortable with my presence, by making all interactions mindful of a cat’s typical disposition and needs. The chickens and turtles proved to be new territory that I easily managed. It turned out to be a lovely weekend for all of us.




Bliss Pet Diary #1 - Jasper